The Board of Trustees is the most valued advisory organization of the XPRIZE Foundation comprising thought leaders, artists, and top executives.
Eric C. Anderson
Michael Boustridge
James Cameron
Dr. Ken Dychtwald
Founder & CEO, Age Wave
Richard Garriott de Cayeux
Paresh Ghelani
Jack Hidary
Eric Hirshberg
Arianna Huffington
Naveen Jain
Dean Kamen
Ray Kurzweil
Erik Lindbergh
Executive Chairman & Co Founder, VerdeGo Aero; Chairman of the Board, The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation
Dr. James Manyika
Rob McEwen
Diane Murphy
Larry Page
Lee Stein
Chairman, Spiral Health; Board of Trustees, XPRIZE
Ratan Tata
Ali Velshi
Will Wright