Imagine a time when people everywhere have safe access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. Everyone can consume healthy, nutritious foods that are affordable, sufficient, and diverse. Excessive food waste is a thing of the past, as are the heaps of plastic and packaging waste.
Innovative technologies, processes, and policies allow us to transition our food system to focus on nutritional quality and regenerative farming. We embrace circular economies that capture and reuse limited resources and prioritize the invention of novel materials.
Farms are empowered and incentivized to grow healthier, more productive crops. Transparent, inclusive food systems improve the livelihoods and quality of life of workers, providing fair economic opportunities for all, helping small and medium enterprises thrive.
In this future, food and water management systems regenerate environmental systems, and ensure resilience in the face of climate change. These systems address soil degradation and erosion, reduce water depletion and pollution, reverse biodiversity loss, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and radically reduce food and packaging waste.
XPRIZE is a catalyst to making this vision a reality. By fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations, envisioning breakthroughs, and launching audacious prize incentives, the development of innovations that will ultimately provide solutions to the grand food and water systems challenges we face today will be accelerated, paving the way to a vastly improved food and water systems for all.
The Brain Trust is a group of world-renowned innovators, thought leaders, industry experts, and entrepreneurs that together shape the design of what could become the next revolutionary moonshot prize competitions in the Grand Challenge Domain of Food, Waste & Water.