Picture a future where humanity is united in pursuit of a more sustainable world for all life on Earth. Indigenous Peoples, local communities, governments, NGOs, and the private sector work in partnership to measure, monitor and manage biodiversity and its many interconnected relationships. Together, they create revolutionary, tech-supported frameworks to protect life in all its forms, for the benefit of every organism on the planet—humans included.
Land and water are preserved and maintained through just, sustainable management strategies. Combined with bold innovation in conservation technologies, threatened and endangered species and ecosystems rebound from the brink of extinction, and enjoy the connectivity they need to thrive.
In this vision for the future, strong institutions leverage global advances in industry, innovation, and infrastructure, and pursue audacious sustainable development goals, driving climate action, diminishing inequality, and uplifting all life on land and in water.
XPRIZE is propelling us toward this vision. Accelerating the development of novel technologies to rapidly and comprehensively survey biodiversity, and use that data to improve our understanding of complex ecosystems. This in turn will inspire new investment and exploration, in these ecosystems, leading to the development of new, just, and sustainable bio-economies.
The Brain Trust is a group of world-renowned innovators, thought leaders, industry experts, and entrepreneurs that together shape the design of what could become the next revolutionary moonshot prize competitions in the Grand Challenge Domain of Biodiversity & Conservation.